ICSI Timeline
Pre-ICSI | |
1993: | First Expansion Effort by IIUM
Library First systematic expansion namely ‘Expansion on Islamic Law of LCC Scheme’ devised by Almarhumah Balqis Suja’. Revised in 2001 to include an updated use of form table. |
2007: | National Task Force Meeting on
Islam of LCC Scheme Taskforce meeting for a national review of the LCC subclass BP-Islam schedule at IIUM Library between IIUM, Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat of UiTM and the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia cataloguers suggested a joint flagship between Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia (PPM) and the Department of Library Science, IIUM. The assignment could not be completed due to lack of resources and staff redeployment. |
ICSI Era | |
2012: | The IIUM Library Decided on the
Revise and Devise Project The Bibliographic Advisory Committee (BAC) of the IIUM Library after several meetings summarizes that:
2013-2014: | Holistic Classification Scheme on
Islam Drafted Topics and subtopics for the holistic classification scheme on Islam were researched and drafted by Arfah Md Isa. |
2015: | Notation Building The Project Team decided to retain the LCC’s notation for Islam BP due to its current position at Level 2 of the Library building, and add a third letter/alphabet in the notation. This results in the BPA-BPZ notation. The position of core subjects in Islam prioritized and appear at the top of the hierarchy, using ‘A’ as the third letter at the notation, that is BPA. |
2016: | Regional Islamic Libraries
Seminar (RELieS 2016) at USIM ‘Revising and Devising a Classification Scheme for Islam : the IIUM Library’s Experience’ - a paper presented at RELieS 2016 at the library of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) to share and solicit reaction and acceptance on the effort. Subject Headings Construction Subject headings extensively expanded from the existing Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and new ones drafted by the Bibliographic Control Section (BCS) formerly BCD, based on the ICSI classification scheme. Pilot Run on Literary Warrant A pilot run of new classification system on new books acquired by the Library and re-classification on certain retrospective titles from LCC subclass BP-Islam. |
2017: | Workshop on Classification Scheme
and Subject Headings on Islam (WCSI-2017) A workshop on ICSI was organized by the Library, in conjunction with IIUM World Prosumer Convention 2017 (IIUM WPC 2017). Disclosure to IIUM Senior librarians Presented at Head of Sections/Units Meeting in December 2017. |
2018: | Knowledge Sharing Session and
Trainings Sessions organized to all IIUM Library staff (16th March 2018). Sessions for IIUM librarians who will be applying ICSI in their daily tasks (6th June 2018). |
2019: | Takrim Day Exhibition Exhibited ICSI at the Library Booth on Takrim Day at the International Culture Centre (ICC) (24th July 2019). SDG Presentation Presented ICSI at the ‘SDG Project by Administrators’ event before the Rector, the Executive Director of MSD, and the Director of Sejahtera Unit, IIUM (7th October 2019). Showcase to the Board of Governors (BOG) of IIUM Showcased ICSI to the BOG, in conjunction with the Peace Room officiating (12th Nov 2019). ICSI Copyrighted Copyright application with statutory declaration for ICSI from MyIPO (13th Dec 2019). |
2020: | ICSIweb Prototype Developed ICSIweb Prototype (February 2020) Takrim Day Exhibition Exhibited ICSI and ICSIweb at the Library Booth at the SDG for Administrators Section on Takrim Day at the International Culture Centre (ICC) (12th March 2020). Publication of ICSI ICSI book was published by the IIUM Library and IIUM Press (29th September 2020). |
2021: | Submission of ICSIweb Project
Plan Description for Flagship 2.0 ICSIweb Project Plan Description for University Flagship 2.0 was submitted to Office for Strategy and Institutional Change (OSIC) (3rd Feb 2021) Launching of ICSI ICSI was launched on Thursday 18th March 2021 at ISTAC IIUM KL campus, during the Award Presentation to Director-General of Health Malaysia, Appreciation Ceremony to IIUM Frontliners and Book Launching Ceremony by Her Majesty the Constitutional Head of IIUM. |