IIUM Library Classification Scheme
The classification scheme has been arranged into fourteen (14) subclasses bearing the notation 'BPA' to 'BPZ'. The notation is in alphanumeric or mixed notation. BP (for Islam) in the beginning of the notation is used as a continuation from the already used Library of Congress notation (A-Z) at the IIUM Library. The class number will always start with three letters (BPA to BPZ) and followed by a maximum of four digits.
The classification scheme consists of sixty-five (65) topics. It comprises the bulk of individual developments or expansions of topics and subtopics. The topics are arranged from general to specific and in logical and alphabetical order. The page layout of the scheme conveys hierarchy and meaning by the order, alignment, and indentation of topics and subtopics.
Notes is used in ICSI class numbers and headings. This is to indicate the scope of the topics, headings and numbers. Notes mentioned in the ICSI are as follows:
1) Scope notes : Explains the scope of the work at that subject
2) See notes : Refers the classifier to another number or subject
3) Confer notes (cf) : Explains that related topics are classed elsewhere in the schedule
The classification scheme has been arranged into fourteen (14) subclasses bearing the notation 'BPA' to 'BPZ'. The notation is in alphanumeric or mixed notation. BP (for Islam) in the beginning of the notation is used as a continuation from the already used Library of Congress notation (A-Z) at the IIUM Library. The class number will always start with three letters (BPA to BPZ) and followed by a maximum of four digits.
The classification scheme consists of sixty-five (65) topics. It comprises the bulk of individual developments or expansions of topics and subtopics. The topics are arranged from general to specific and in logical and alphabetical order. The page layout of the scheme conveys hierarchy and meaning by the order, alignment, and indentation of topics and subtopics.
Notes is used in ICSI class numbers and headings. This is to indicate the scope of the topics, headings and numbers. Notes mentioned in the ICSI are as follows:
1) Scope notes : Explains the scope of the work at that subject
2) See notes : Refers the classifier to another number or subject
3) Confer notes (cf) : Explains that related topics are classed elsewhere in the schedule